22nd May 2011
Interim Evaluation – DVD Launch – 19th May 2011, Cardiff
· 188 in attendance (capacity).
· Of whom, exempt from the survey – 3 GOT directors, 1 producer/director, 17 students,
3 teachers & 1 advisory teacher (the advisory group to GOT), 4/7 presenters, others – 3.
· Total number of evaluation slips returned = 94, or 60% of the possible number.
a) Reaction: What do you think about the DVD?: 76 comments / 94 returns
1. Excellent! Congratulations! We are all very proud of what GOT and partners have done. (Cardiff Equalities Team)
2. Excellent resource – very well balanced and supportive to young people. (Headteacher)
3. Informative but causes/cause of extremism was not discussed. (Medical Practitioner)
4. V. impressive – raised issues clearly – good to see ‘white’ extremism highlighted. (Cyfanfyd)
5. Very useful tool for debate. Important to realize that everyone is capable of being extreme. To check own behaviour before judging. Important not to be extreme about extremism. ( ? )
6. Very comprehensive & fills a gap – much needed. (Wales Strategic Migration Partnership)
7. Very impressive – Perfect tool for engaging youth. (South Wales Police)
8. Excellent & useful to educate people. (Manchester Somali Cultural Trust)
9. Very good for dealing with Islamophobia. Provides a useful context and perspective about extremism. (Cardiff Council – Essential Skills)
10. Excellent (Atlantis Consultancy & Training)
11. Excellent (Headteacher)
12. Highly effective resource and a very positive & vital message, (Voluntary Action Cardiff)
13. Very well presented, easily understood. (South Wales Police)
14. An excellent resource for schools – it will be used. Thank you! (Secondary Headteacher)
15. Very good & useful. (HMP)
16. Excellent. (Cohesion & Prevent)
17. Thought provoking, fantastically put together. (Youth Service)
18. Fantastic! (Primary Headteacher)
19. Very good (Al-Furqan Mosque, Manchester)
20. Professional, effective, clever. (Faith & chaplaincy, HMP)
21. Superb, engaging, good production. I like that it is split into 3 sections. (Independent non-denominational secondary school)
22. Very useful for school children & professional development. (University of Wales)
23. Very good. (South Wales Police Community Engagement)
24. Excellent tool for approaching this subject with young people. (‘Community Focused School’)
25. Very resourceful; meaning of extremism in different ways. (Community worker)
26. Effective tool to raise discussion about extremism and educate pupils and teachers. (Borough of Newham)
27. Very good. (Community Cohesion Lead)
28. Very good. (Cardiff Youth service)
29. Extremely powerful educational resource. (Secondary Headteacher)
30. Excellent resource – excellent quality. (EYST Swansea)
31. Very well produced – good for promoting debate. Perhaps schools should do more to teach young people to think ‘critically’, how to deconstruct an argument and how to spot media (in all its forms) manipulation and distortion. I believe it should be included as part of the PSE programmes in schools and not left to Higher Education to a minority who attend there. (Ethnic Youth Support)
32. Informative. (BAWSO)
33. Excellent & thought provoking. (BVSNW)
34. Loved the interviews with the BNP convert. (Independent producer/director)
35. Very well produced and informative. (Safer Newport)
36. Excellent: Well made & very informative. (Merthyr Tydfil College)
37. Well balanced & put together film (Gwent Police)
38. An excellent product, holding interest of viewer/audience throughout and making relevant points concisely & succinctly – No credit at the end to editor though! (South Wales Police)
39. Impressive resource. (Lawyer)
40. Very good. (Communities First Development Officer)
41. Very good. (Youth Justice)
42. Excellent resource – encapsulating the key messages. (Secondary Headteacher)
43. Excellent! (Gwent Police Partnership Team)
44. Excellent. (Hate Crime Project)
45. Yes, very good – very engaging and thought provoking. (Race Equality)
46. Great, the questions at the end of sections are fab. for getting instant reactions from pupils. (Independent non-denominational secondary school)
47. Excellent product. (South Wales Police)
48. Excellent! Thank you for inviting us. (Merthyr Tydfil College)
49. Excellent! (Key Worker – secondary school)
50. Very easy to understand and follow – excellent tool. (Caerphilly CBC)
51. Good. (Care work)
52. Simple & effective tool for kids but has wider applications. (Health Partnership Manager)
53. Informative, thought provoking; an excellent resource for young people. How do you envisage this resource being targeted to those young people who are not in mainstream education? (Monmouthshire Youth Service)
54. Excellent tool to be used with young people. (Community Education Officer – Cardiff Youth Service)
55. Seems to be a helpful tool to initiate discussion; might need additional material. (Migration Policy officer)
56. Very useful resource – will signpost people to it. (Equality & Human Rights)
57. Very good. (PSE Coordinator – Secondary School)
58. Educating. (Borough of Barnet community group)
59. Excellent resource. (Curriculum Development)
60. Powerful, informative & well structured – very good. (Police – partnership)
61. V. Good. Particularly sections that challenge ‘right wing’ extremism. Would feel more comfortable with training to deliver having no teaching experience or background. (Community Cohesion Officer)
62. Excellent. (ACPO)
63. Very useful. (Coleg Glan Hafren)
64. Excellent. (Youth Engagement)
65. Very good product – Useful material to challenge extremism. (Somali Integration Society)
66. Informative. Missed extremist cause. (Youth Worker)
67. Very educational & informative. ( ? )
68. Thought provoking (Headteacher)
69. I thought it was very well pitched for my learners… for our Welsh Bacc and tutorial programmes. (FE Coleg Gwent)
70. V. good. (Social Inclusion – Cardiff Youth Service)
71. A useful tool to engage staff development. (Fire Service)
72. Good quality DVD to start discussion (Coleg Morgannwg)
73. Brilliant – more needed. (Learning Mentor – Ethnic Minority Service, Newport)
74. Clear and focused. Powerful tool to use with young people. Interesting and challenging. (Deputy Headteacher – secondary)
75. Very powerful, relevant & necessary. (Ethnic Youth Support Team)
76. Very thought provoking. Very easy to watch. Well produced. Made me proud to be a citizen of Cardiff. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr. (Coleg Glan Hafren)
b) How important do you find this topic? (extremism): 1 = not very; 5 = very
(94/94 responses)
1 0 -
2 0 -
3 2 2
4 18 19
5 74 79
c) I would find the DVD very useful in my job: 1 = not very useful; 5 = very useful
(90/94 responses)
1 0 -
2 2 2
3 8 9
4 20 22
5 60 67
d) How capable do you feel about developing resources for the DVD without help?; 1 = not very; 5 = very capable
(90/94 responses)
1 2 2
2 3 3
3 30 33
4 26 29
5 29 32
Findings and General Conclusions Based on the Interim Evaluation:
(A) Findings:
1. The qualitative responses indicate a very positive reaction to the DVD.
2. This reaction is uniform throughout the range of ‘Service Providers’.
3. Great importance is attached by respondents to the issue of extremism in society.
(79% reported they felt the issue to be ‘very important’)
4. Two thirds (67%) of respondents felt the DVD to be of direct relevance (‘very useful’) in their job:
§ ACPO - Education Liaison *
§ ACPO - Youth Engagement *
§ Association of Voluntary Organisations – Gwent
§ Cardiff County Council - Youth Service x 1
§ Cardiff County Council - Youth Service (Social Inclusion)
§ Cardiff County Council - Community Education Officer (Youth Service) *
§ Cardiff County Council - Essential skills
§ Coleg Glan Hafren
§ Coleg Glan Hafren - Head of Student Services *
§ Coleg Gwent - Head of Learner Services
§ Communities First - Development Officer
§ Community Worker *
§ Curriculum Development
§ Ecumenical consultant; HMP chaplaincy
§ Education/primary & secondary headteachers/teachers x 9 (5*)
§ Equality & Human Rights Commission
§ Ethnic Youth Support, Swansea – x 3 (2*)
§ GEMSS Newport *
§ Gwent Police - Community Cohesion
§ Gwent Police - Partnership Team
§ HMP - Cardiff
§ Independent educational researcher
§ Independent secondary school, Cardiff *
§ Key Worker (education) – Rhondda Cynon Taf
§ London Borough of Barnet – Somali community group
§ London Borough of Newham – PREVENT
§ Manchester Somali Cultural Trust
§ Merthyr Tydfil College
§ Merthyr Tydfil College (Estates & Facilities)
§ Merthyr Tydfil College - Equality Manager (Tutorials & Welsh Bac)
§ Pathway Care Fostering agency, Cardiff
§ Powys Youth Service – Curriculum Development
§ Race Equality/Community Liaison
§ Safer Newport – Community Safety Coordinator
§ Safer Wales – Hate Crime Project *
§ South Wales Police – Community Engagement *
§ South Wales Police – Crime Reduction
§ South Wales Police – Minorities Support *
§ South Wales Police - Partnerships
§ South Wales Police – PREVENT
§ South Wales Police – PREVENT Coordinator (Western)
§ South Wales Police – Regional PREVENT Coordinator *
§ Taff Housing Association, Cardiff *
§ Triage/Youth Offending Service, Cardiff *
§ University of Birmingham *
§ Voluntary Action, Cardiff
§ Welsh Refugee Council – Trustee *
§ Yemeni Community Centre, Cardiff x 2*
Of these, 24 (40%) state they are ‘very capable’ of independently developing resources to deliver the DVD. (See *)
5. One third (32%) of all respondents (Q. d) T = 90) felt they were ‘very capable’ of developing resources to accompany the DVD.
In addition to the 24 individuals/groups above who fall into this category (See * in 4. above), the following also said they feel ‘very capable’ of developing appropriate resources without help. Relevance of the DVD to their job is included in brackets:
§ Al-Furqan mosque, Manchester (4 )
§ BVSNW (4)
§ BVSNW (3)
§ Cyfanfyd (4)
§ Independent producer/director ( ? )
(B) General conclusions:
1) As the launch was at pains to underline - and as both Ysgol Plasmawr and Bishop of Llandaff Church-in-Wales High School demonstrated - this DVD (‘GOT 2’) forms part of a wider GOT programme to counter extremism and promote integration, ‘GOT 1’ being available bi-lingually.
2) On the basis of this small-scale investigation, it would be reasonable to conclude that the DVD is seen as a valued, additional resource with the potential to challenge extremism and develop critical thinking.
3) Its use – as the two initial previews in Cardiff and London suggested – is likely to be multi-dimensional, capable of both inter and intra-applications. (See, for example, South Wales Police, Cardiff County Council, Merthyr Tydfil College)
4) The exact number of situations where the DVD could have a direct relevance has yet to be established – but this investigation has shown there are 25 or more ‘discrete Providers’ who would find the DVD ‘very useful’ in their job. (See 4. above)
5) The DVD is not tethered by geography or perceived ‘differences’ (whatever these may be) – groups and bodies from outside of Wales have also expressed an interest. Indeed, during participant feedback the suggestion was made by Professor Lynn Davies of Birmingham University that the DVD may even find applications outside of the UK.
6) Given the (not surprising) relatively high percentage of respondents who will need some form of help to develop resources (68% overall) there is likely to be a requirement for a mechanism/scaffolding of some sophistication which collates and oversees developments.
7) Thereafter, if desired outcomes are to be achieved, there are likely to be training/induction implications.
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