GOT 1 Secondary schools & FE colleges

GOT 2 Secondary schools & FE colleges

GOT 3 Youth Programme for use in informal settings

GOT 4 Raising awareness & training the trainers programmes

Cyd-dynnu Caerdydd Cam Cynnydd 3 / Rhaglen 8 - 11


Mae’r rhaglen yn mynd i’r afael â lefel gynyddol o adroddiadau am anoddefgarwch (ac yn yr achosion gwaethaf, agweddau eithafol) ymhlith disgyblion iau ac mae’n hybu gwerthoedd moesegol, dinasyddiaeth foesol a gwerthoedd (Prydeinig) cyffredinol trwy ofodau diogel, heriau a meddwl beirniadol.


Cyd-dynnu Caerdydd Cam Cynnydd 4 / Rhaglen 11 - 4


Mae'r rhaglen hon yn adeiladu ar y sylfeini addysgol a nodir yn rhaglen CA2 ac mae'n pontio i raglen 'herio eithafiaeth' hirsefydlog CA4 a/neu astudiaeth fanwl o eithafiaeth drwy Fagloriaeth Cymru, y mae'r ddau ohonynt yn anelu at greu unigolion iach a pharchus ac aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas.   herio eithafiaeth' hirsefydlog CA4 a/neu 

Bagloriaeth Cymru CBAC Cam Cynnydd 5 / Rhaglen 14 - 16

Diwygiwyd Mawrth 2023


Diben y modiwl hwn yw datblygu sgiliau dysgwyr a chynnig cyfleoedd i ddeall ac ymateb yn briodol i faterion byd-eang: hwyluso sgiliau meddwl beirniadol, datrys problemau, creadigrwydd, arloesi a’u gweithredu.



Cyd-dynnu Caerdydd 1 Cam Cynnydd 5 / Rhaglen 14 - 16


Mae hon yn rhaglen addysgu ag adnoddau llawn o 4 modiwl yn canolbwyntio ar yr wybodaeth a dealltwriaeth y mae eu hangen i fynd i’r afael â’r camddehongliad o neges ddi-drais Islam; hybu parch a goddefgarwch i bawb.


Cyd-dynnu Caerdydd 2 Cam Cynnydd 5 / Rhaglen 14 -16


 Rhaglen addysgu ryngweithiol gydag adnoddau o 3 modiwl sy'n hwyluso trafodaeth agored a meddwl yn feirniadol ynghylch materion sy'n ganolog i gymdeithas iach, ddemocrataidd ac integredig – un sy'n gwrthod ideolegau annymunol pob eithafwr.


GOT 3 11-25 Youth Programme


A fully resourced interactive programme of 10 modules delivered through the NAOMIE template: facilitates self-exploration and rationalisation of thoughts and feelings around extremism in today’s society within a safe and informal environment.

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Cardiff-GOT Progression Step 3 / 8 - 11 Programme

The programme counters a growing level of reported intolerance (at worst, extreme attitudes) amongst younger pupils and promotes ethical, moral citizenship and shared (British) values through safe spaces, challenge and critical thinking.

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Cardiff-GOT Progression Step 4 / 11 - 14 Programme

This programme builds on the educational foundations laid down in the KS2 programme and serves as transition to the long-standing KS4 ‘challenging extremism’ programme and/or a detailed study of extremism through the Welsh Baccalaureate, both of which aspire to the facilitation of healthy, respectful individuals and valued members of society.
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WJEC WBQ Progression Step 5 / 14 - 16 Programme

Revised March 2023


The purpose of this module is to develop learners’ skills, whilst providing opportunities to understand and respond appropriately to global issues: facilitates critical thinking skills, problem solving, creativity, innovation and their implementation.

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GOT 1 Progression Step 5 / 14 - 16 Programme

This is a fully resourced teaching programme of 4 modules focusing on the knowledge and understanding needed to counter the distortion of the non-violent message of the Islamic faith; promotes respect and tolerance for all.
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GOT 2 Progression Step 5 / 14 - 16 Programme


A fully resourced interactive teaching programme of 3 modules facilitating open debate and critical thinking on issues central to a healthy, democratic and integrated society – one which rejects the ideologies of all extremists.

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GOT 4 Bespoke Programmes


This features  ‘tailor-made’ programmes designed to raise awareness and/or train trainers around the core themes of extremism and radicalisation. Previous clients feature e.g. The Met, Dorset Safe Schools & Communities.

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